Some Politics, mostly conservative points of veiw. Catholic slant, Homecare for elderly Mom and pet Jazz.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Our Nation
I sometimes feel that our country is not going to be here twenty years from now. The land might be here but the USA will be gone. I pray im wrong but if we belivers dont repent and do what is right in GOD's eyes I dont think our nation will be around. Like our elections coming up Nov. 7 I feel like im haveing to choose between two grocier sacks at the store. Both the scaks have some good things in them but there is also some bad things in each bag. So im torn between who to vote for. Our borders are open as far as I can tell from watching tv, I even saw this guy on Fox news rideing a elephent across the Mexican border into the USA. Its a shame we are in a war and the enemy has easy access to our country. We must all pray that GOD will continue to shed his grace on us.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Friday, August 04, 2006
Im Very disappointed in my Ill. Republican Party
State GOP Betrays Republicans Yet Again
The below info was copyed from
Last week, still more Democrat leaders announced they are financially supporting the effort to keep the Protect Marriage Illinois advisory referendum off the November 7th ballot.
The Democrats’ announcement comes as no surprise. Many Democrats have made it clear they would have little problem with expanding the definition of marriage to include same-sex couples. The Democrats also recognize that Republican candidates across the state would surely benefit if conservatives are inspired by the Referendum to go to the polls. That has been the experience in every other state where similar measures have appeared.
These Democrats are misguided in their desire to prevent Illinois voters from simply weighing-in on whether the Illinois Constitution should be amended to protect the definition of traditional marriage. The liberal Democrats are wrong in their efforts to lawyer-up in an attempt to short-circuit the democratic process. What’s wrong with simply allowing every Illinois voter to have a say on the issue?
But at least these Democrats are being honest about where they stand.
The big story about the Protect Marriage Referendum is the shameful way the Illinois Republican Party abandoned the effort early-on, and the pattern of lies that officials here have been telling Republicans to justify their non-support for a key plank on our party’s platform. Few probably realize that the State Republican Party organization not only failed to lift a finger on the petition drive, but in many cases the IL GOP actively worked against the effort.
This past weekend, John Tsarpalas, the State Party’s Executive Director, was asked during a meeting of Wheeling Township Republicans why the IL GOP had refused to help on the Protect Marriage project. Tsarpalas responded that he had contacted “someone” from the Republican National Committee, and was told essentially that the Illinois GOP shouldn’t get involved because that would make the effort “partisan” (maybe even “divisive”). He further claimed that the IL GOP didn’t get involved because other State Parties hadn’t when similar constitutional referendums appeared around the Country. Tsarpalas even reportedly claimed that it wouldn’t be appropriate for the IL GOP to do something as simple as place a link to Protect Marriage on its website.
Mr. Tsarpalas told a similar tale a few months ago. During the final stretch of the petition gathering, the Protect Marriage organizers asked the IL GOP one last time to help out. Tsarpalas said no, sorry, he had checked with other states and every single State Party told him they did not participate in their states’ protect marriage efforts - that whole “would make it partisan” thing again.
So has John Tsarpalas been telling Republicans the truth? Simply put, no. And a look at what just a few other State Parties have done recently proves it definitively.
Minnesota: As reported by Minnesota Public Radio the Minnesota Republican Party and supporters of a constitutional amendment that would ban same-sex marriage are stepping up their efforts to get the initiative on the ballot this November. Two days before the legislative session begins, the State GOP is sending hundreds of thousands of videos on the issue to voters. The goal is to force the state Senate to vote on the proposal. [Source: Minnesota Public Radio – January 27, 2006].
Wisconsin: The Republican Party of Wisconsin features the Protect Marriage initiative on the front page of its website, and has a petition form to download. The Wisconsin GOP’s Executive Director Rick Wiley recently said, “It's our job to be sure that people go to the polls to vote for the marriage amendment and the Republican candidates for governor. Not only are they out there in force voting for this amendment, but because Gov. Doyle is vulnerable, you get a two-for-one shot." [We wonder if Mr. Wiley would be interested in moving a little farther south.]
Nebraska: The Nebraska Republican Party is currently hosting an on-line petition to affirm their support of the Defense of Marriage Amendment which states: In 2000 an overwhelming majority of Nebraskans voted on an amendment that would define marriage as a union between one man and one woman. Activist Judges with their own agenda circumvented the wishes of the voters and declared the amendment unconstitutional. As a voter in the state of Nebraska I affirm my support of the Defense of Marriage Amendment.
Florida: Their State Party donated $150,000 to the organization heading-up Florida’s constitutional amendment effort this year. The Florida GOP was apparently the largest single contributor by far.
Florida GOP executive director Andy Palmer noted similar measures boosted Republican turnout in battleground states in 2004, but he said the party wanted to help the effort in Florida because it is "totally in line with the Republican Party philosophy."
Texas: From the Republican Party of Texas website: Proposition 2 will give Texans the opportunity to join more than a dozen states in statutorily and constitutionally banning same-sex marriage. Even though Texas law already prohibits homosexual marriages (the Defense of Marriage Act passed in 2003), Proposition 2 would safeguard that law from judicial challenges by defining marriage as one man and one woman. Vote YES on Proposition 2!
The Texas GOP’s website also includes a number of talking points on the reasons for protecting traditional marriage.
North Carolina: The North Carolina Republican Party has taken an especially strong stand. In May of 2004 it was reported that State Chairman Ferrell Blount said he would not allow the Log Cabin Republicans to purchase a booth at the Party’s State Convention. “I reviewed what the Log Cabin national web site was advocating and promoting,” said Blount, “and in my opinion, it is diametrically opposed to the values of the North Carolina Republican Party…As State Party Chairman, I support the definition of marriage as being a union sanctioned by God between a man and a woman. That is what the Republican Party talks about in its platform and will talk about this weekend.”
Note that on September 8, 2004, the national Log Cabin Republican organization chose not to endorse President Bush for reelection specifically due to his support for the Federal Marriage Amendment.
Tennessee: From a press release just last week by the Tennessee Republican Party (their Party Chairman Bob Davis is taking their Democrat Governor to task):
"Governor Bredesen wants to have it both ways. Political convenience is his middle name. The governor continues to bad mouth the Marriage Amendment and his position should be clear to every voter in Tennessee," said Bob Davis, chairman of the Tennessee Republican Party.
In the past, Bredesen has called such legislation "divisive." He has also stated he did not like "the idea of messing around with the constitution in a political year."
"Governor Bredesen – you are either for protecting traditional marriage or against it. Which one is it? Tennesseans deserve the right to know," said Davis.
Actually this is hardly the first time that we’ve caught the IL GOP’s Executive Director not being honest with Republicans.
These latest undermining efforts against the Protect Marriage project also aren’t new. Last year the State Party leadership refused to even allow a representative from Protect Marriage to talk briefly about the petition drive at a meeting of the State Central Committee. The State Party even used its influence to disallow a presentation to a meeting of the GOP County Chairmen. A promise had been made to at least include petition packets and information in the materials being distributed to the County Chairmen, but even that promise was broken.
If Party Chairman Andy McKenna and John Tsarpalas are unwilling to support their own Party’s fundamental issues, they should step down. But of course they won’t.
A State Party with leadership this inept can't win. And a State Party that has this much trouble with the truth doesn’t deserve to.
By the way, we called the RNC this week to find out if there was any truth to Tsarpalas’ claim that the National Party had advised the IL GOP against getting involved in the Protect Marriage project. No one we spoke with could possibly imagine why any State GOP would not support a fundamental plank of the National Platform and a protection of marriage that the Republican Congress and the President continue to fight for at the Federal level.
Posted June 15, 2006
The below info was copyed from
Last week, still more Democrat leaders announced they are financially supporting the effort to keep the Protect Marriage Illinois advisory referendum off the November 7th ballot.
The Democrats’ announcement comes as no surprise. Many Democrats have made it clear they would have little problem with expanding the definition of marriage to include same-sex couples. The Democrats also recognize that Republican candidates across the state would surely benefit if conservatives are inspired by the Referendum to go to the polls. That has been the experience in every other state where similar measures have appeared.
These Democrats are misguided in their desire to prevent Illinois voters from simply weighing-in on whether the Illinois Constitution should be amended to protect the definition of traditional marriage. The liberal Democrats are wrong in their efforts to lawyer-up in an attempt to short-circuit the democratic process. What’s wrong with simply allowing every Illinois voter to have a say on the issue?
But at least these Democrats are being honest about where they stand.
The big story about the Protect Marriage Referendum is the shameful way the Illinois Republican Party abandoned the effort early-on, and the pattern of lies that officials here have been telling Republicans to justify their non-support for a key plank on our party’s platform. Few probably realize that the State Republican Party organization not only failed to lift a finger on the petition drive, but in many cases the IL GOP actively worked against the effort.
This past weekend, John Tsarpalas, the State Party’s Executive Director, was asked during a meeting of Wheeling Township Republicans why the IL GOP had refused to help on the Protect Marriage project. Tsarpalas responded that he had contacted “someone” from the Republican National Committee, and was told essentially that the Illinois GOP shouldn’t get involved because that would make the effort “partisan” (maybe even “divisive”). He further claimed that the IL GOP didn’t get involved because other State Parties hadn’t when similar constitutional referendums appeared around the Country. Tsarpalas even reportedly claimed that it wouldn’t be appropriate for the IL GOP to do something as simple as place a link to Protect Marriage on its website.
Mr. Tsarpalas told a similar tale a few months ago. During the final stretch of the petition gathering, the Protect Marriage organizers asked the IL GOP one last time to help out. Tsarpalas said no, sorry, he had checked with other states and every single State Party told him they did not participate in their states’ protect marriage efforts - that whole “would make it partisan” thing again.
So has John Tsarpalas been telling Republicans the truth? Simply put, no. And a look at what just a few other State Parties have done recently proves it definitively.
Minnesota: As reported by Minnesota Public Radio the Minnesota Republican Party and supporters of a constitutional amendment that would ban same-sex marriage are stepping up their efforts to get the initiative on the ballot this November. Two days before the legislative session begins, the State GOP is sending hundreds of thousands of videos on the issue to voters. The goal is to force the state Senate to vote on the proposal. [Source: Minnesota Public Radio – January 27, 2006].
Wisconsin: The Republican Party of Wisconsin features the Protect Marriage initiative on the front page of its website, and has a petition form to download. The Wisconsin GOP’s Executive Director Rick Wiley recently said, “It's our job to be sure that people go to the polls to vote for the marriage amendment and the Republican candidates for governor. Not only are they out there in force voting for this amendment, but because Gov. Doyle is vulnerable, you get a two-for-one shot." [We wonder if Mr. Wiley would be interested in moving a little farther south.]
Nebraska: The Nebraska Republican Party is currently hosting an on-line petition to affirm their support of the Defense of Marriage Amendment which states: In 2000 an overwhelming majority of Nebraskans voted on an amendment that would define marriage as a union between one man and one woman. Activist Judges with their own agenda circumvented the wishes of the voters and declared the amendment unconstitutional. As a voter in the state of Nebraska I affirm my support of the Defense of Marriage Amendment.
Florida: Their State Party donated $150,000 to the organization heading-up Florida’s constitutional amendment effort this year. The Florida GOP was apparently the largest single contributor by far.
Florida GOP executive director Andy Palmer noted similar measures boosted Republican turnout in battleground states in 2004, but he said the party wanted to help the effort in Florida because it is "totally in line with the Republican Party philosophy."
Texas: From the Republican Party of Texas website: Proposition 2 will give Texans the opportunity to join more than a dozen states in statutorily and constitutionally banning same-sex marriage. Even though Texas law already prohibits homosexual marriages (the Defense of Marriage Act passed in 2003), Proposition 2 would safeguard that law from judicial challenges by defining marriage as one man and one woman. Vote YES on Proposition 2!
The Texas GOP’s website also includes a number of talking points on the reasons for protecting traditional marriage.
North Carolina: The North Carolina Republican Party has taken an especially strong stand. In May of 2004 it was reported that State Chairman Ferrell Blount said he would not allow the Log Cabin Republicans to purchase a booth at the Party’s State Convention. “I reviewed what the Log Cabin national web site was advocating and promoting,” said Blount, “and in my opinion, it is diametrically opposed to the values of the North Carolina Republican Party…As State Party Chairman, I support the definition of marriage as being a union sanctioned by God between a man and a woman. That is what the Republican Party talks about in its platform and will talk about this weekend.”
Note that on September 8, 2004, the national Log Cabin Republican organization chose not to endorse President Bush for reelection specifically due to his support for the Federal Marriage Amendment.
Tennessee: From a press release just last week by the Tennessee Republican Party (their Party Chairman Bob Davis is taking their Democrat Governor to task):
"Governor Bredesen wants to have it both ways. Political convenience is his middle name. The governor continues to bad mouth the Marriage Amendment and his position should be clear to every voter in Tennessee," said Bob Davis, chairman of the Tennessee Republican Party.
In the past, Bredesen has called such legislation "divisive." He has also stated he did not like "the idea of messing around with the constitution in a political year."
"Governor Bredesen – you are either for protecting traditional marriage or against it. Which one is it? Tennesseans deserve the right to know," said Davis.
Actually this is hardly the first time that we’ve caught the IL GOP’s Executive Director not being honest with Republicans.
These latest undermining efforts against the Protect Marriage project also aren’t new. Last year the State Party leadership refused to even allow a representative from Protect Marriage to talk briefly about the petition drive at a meeting of the State Central Committee. The State Party even used its influence to disallow a presentation to a meeting of the GOP County Chairmen. A promise had been made to at least include petition packets and information in the materials being distributed to the County Chairmen, but even that promise was broken.
If Party Chairman Andy McKenna and John Tsarpalas are unwilling to support their own Party’s fundamental issues, they should step down. But of course they won’t.
A State Party with leadership this inept can't win. And a State Party that has this much trouble with the truth doesn’t deserve to.
By the way, we called the RNC this week to find out if there was any truth to Tsarpalas’ claim that the National Party had advised the IL GOP against getting involved in the Protect Marriage project. No one we spoke with could possibly imagine why any State GOP would not support a fundamental plank of the National Platform and a protection of marriage that the Republican Congress and the President continue to fight for at the Federal level.
Posted June 15, 2006
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
Friday, July 21, 2006
Storms roll through

I worked hard yesterday cleaning up our old neighbors yard from all the stom damage. A huge tree came down on our old neighbors fence. I helped Dennis clean it up boy what a mess. His wife told me they were watching tv when the storm hit. The tress were being twisted by the wind and then this one came crashing down landing on there back paito. It brought down a electrical transformer too that landed on there back deck. Thank GOD nobody hurt.
Me and mom and Jazz were hungerd down in the walk in closet, but I kept going out into the living room to check on the storm. Mom was real nervous, me and jazz were as calm as cucumbers.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Hibiscus Kenaf Tainung 2
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Monday, July 03, 2006
Road Trip To See Superman Returns

On this road trip we talk about renewable energy on the way over to the show. Here is the Driver Denny and good friend. I will put up audio soon. I did like the movie Superman Returns, but I thought it was too long, they could have did away with scene on roof where superman gives Lois a lift up into the air as far as I am concerned. But over all a good movie.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006
Fishing Trip 06
Road trip to see Nacho Libre movie
Well me and a friend head out to see the movie, Here is some of the conversation on the way over to the show! We talk about the Beverly Hillbilles shows.
Well me and a friend head out to see the movie, Here is some of the conversation on the way over to the show! We talk about the Beverly Hillbilles shows.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Thursday, June 22, 2006
FEED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well now I got a MUTATION of a sunflower in my backyard, it's got two heads or flowers coming out of the main stem or same stem. I just hope it dont start demanding food or something ha ha. One of the weirdest movies I ever did see was called "Little Shop of Horrors" it had in it Steve Martin I also have seen an earlier version with Jack Nicholson in it. The giant plant was always hungry and could talk one of the plants favorite things to say was "Feed Me"
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Missing piece found:)

Well I found the border piece!!! Here is a picture of it. To me it does not realy look like a border piece, but thats the fun of Springbok puzzles ha ha. They make some very interesting cuts, way to go Springbok!!! They got me good that time. I thought for sure the piece was missing because I had ordered this puzzle off ebay. I was just about to write the people who sold me this puzzle and ask them if they had somebody else pack the puzzle into the box.
1965 Puzzle missing a piece!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well the outcome of my puzzle adventure sure does not look good right now!
I hope im wrong but I have been looking for a border piece now for about two days. For you who may not be familiar with jigsaw puzzles the outter edge is normally the easiest to find and put together. The flat edge gives it away so you know that it goes on the border somewhere.
Well the outcome of my puzzle adventure sure does not look good right now!
I hope im wrong but I have been looking for a border piece now for about two days. For you who may not be familiar with jigsaw puzzles the outter edge is normally the easiest to find and put together. The flat edge gives it away so you know that it goes on the border somewhere.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
I got this from the Catholic News Agency today!
Supreme Court to review second partial-birth abortion case
WASHINGTON DC, June 20 (CNA) - Yesterday the United States Supreme Court agreed to hear the appeal of a second partial-birth abortion case and the outcome could mean an end to the procedure.
The appeal to be heard may overturn a ruling by the 8th Circuit court of appeals that invalidated a 2003 law banning partial-birth abortions, which was passed by Congress and signed by President Bush.
The Supreme Court had already agreed to hear an appeal to a similar ruling passed down by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco. The rulings under review represent two of three cases brought forward by the abortion industry immediately after the 2003 law was passed.
Jay Sekulow, chi! ef counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice, a pro-life law firm, told LifeNews yesterday, "The Supreme Court took a significant step today that clearly puts the issue of partial-birth abortion front-and-center."
"By taking a second case involving the constitutionality of the national ban on partial-birth abortion, the Supreme Court puts the spotlight on one of the most horrific medical procedures in existence today," he added.
Although the Supreme Court overturned a ban on partial-birth abortion passed by the State of Nebraska in 2000, many think that recent personnel changes may effect the way the Court will rule this time. The majority opinion for the 2000 case, which was decided by a 5-4 ruling, was written by Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.&nbs! p; O’Connor has since been replaced by Justice Samuel Ali! to, who many think will decide in favor of legislation banning the procedure.
Recent testimony of doctors may also have an effect on the ruling. The 2000 Nebraska law was ruled unconstitutional because it failed to include a provision allowing for abortion in the case that the mother’s life was endangered. According to LifeNews, doctors have since testified that the three-day long abortion procedure is never necessary to save the life or health of the mother and could cause a host of medical complications for her.
Partial-birth abortion, or what pro-abortion doctors prefer to call an “intact dilation and extraction,” involves a abortion practitioner partially birthing the baby from the mother's womb and inserting surgical scissors into the base of th! e baby's skull to kill her. The baby is then pulled from the womb of the mother and discarded.
LifeNews estimates the annual number of partial-birth abortions occurring in the U.S. to be between 5,000-10,000. The abortions primarily occur during the fifth and sixth months of pregnancy on health mothers and health babies. Most polls show that somewhere near two-thirds of Americans feel partial-birth abortion should be illegal in almost all cases
I got this from the Catholic News Agency today!
Supreme Court to review second partial-birth abortion case
WASHINGTON DC, June 20 (CNA) - Yesterday the United States Supreme Court agreed to hear the appeal of a second partial-birth abortion case and the outcome could mean an end to the procedure.
The appeal to be heard may overturn a ruling by the 8th Circuit court of appeals that invalidated a 2003 law banning partial-birth abortions, which was passed by Congress and signed by President Bush.
The Supreme Court had already agreed to hear an appeal to a similar ruling passed down by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco. The rulings under review represent two of three cases brought forward by the abortion industry immediately after the 2003 law was passed.
Jay Sekulow, chi! ef counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice, a pro-life law firm, told LifeNews yesterday, "The Supreme Court took a significant step today that clearly puts the issue of partial-birth abortion front-and-center."
"By taking a second case involving the constitutionality of the national ban on partial-birth abortion, the Supreme Court puts the spotlight on one of the most horrific medical procedures in existence today," he added.
Although the Supreme Court overturned a ban on partial-birth abortion passed by the State of Nebraska in 2000, many think that recent personnel changes may effect the way the Court will rule this time. The majority opinion for the 2000 case, which was decided by a 5-4 ruling, was written by Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.&nbs! p; O’Connor has since been replaced by Justice Samuel Ali! to, who many think will decide in favor of legislation banning the procedure.
Recent testimony of doctors may also have an effect on the ruling. The 2000 Nebraska law was ruled unconstitutional because it failed to include a provision allowing for abortion in the case that the mother’s life was endangered. According to LifeNews, doctors have since testified that the three-day long abortion procedure is never necessary to save the life or health of the mother and could cause a host of medical complications for her.
Partial-birth abortion, or what pro-abortion doctors prefer to call an “intact dilation and extraction,” involves a abortion practitioner partially birthing the baby from the mother's womb and inserting surgical scissors into the base of th! e baby's skull to kill her. The baby is then pulled from the womb of the mother and discarded.
LifeNews estimates the annual number of partial-birth abortions occurring in the U.S. to be between 5,000-10,000. The abortions primarily occur during the fifth and sixth months of pregnancy on health mothers and health babies. Most polls show that somewhere near two-thirds of Americans feel partial-birth abortion should be illegal in almost all cases
Friday, June 16, 2006
Standard City Coondogs
Here is a photo of my brothers baseball team he used to play for. The team was called the Standard City Coondogs, the team was not that good to be honest. The home ball feild was located next to a tavern so after the game most the coondogs would belly up to the bar for some Ice cold beer. I cant say for sure but I believe they also had a few cold ones while the game was going but hopefully this did not happen.
Here is a photo of my brothers baseball team he used to play for. The team was called the Standard City Coondogs, the team was not that good to be honest. The home ball feild was located next to a tavern so after the game most the coondogs would belly up to the bar for some Ice cold beer. I cant say for sure but I believe they also had a few cold ones while the game was going but hopefully this did not happen.

Well Im going to try and get some audio of me up here people are demanding it ha ha. Maybe I will have my mom on here to say a few words about here decison not to have here colon test ha ha. Mom probally wont bring that subject up. I also might have some friends chat on here too that is anybody stops by maybe my dog will bark ha ha.
I found this site that lets you post audio free, like a huge storeage bin. Then you are supposed to be able to access it from like here at this post with a link. I have tried links to my own files on my computer to no success.
I will keep you informed on AUDIO BLOG here soon ha ha
Well Im going to try and get some audio of me up here people are demanding it ha ha. Maybe I will have my mom on here to say a few words about here decison not to have here colon test ha ha. Mom probally wont bring that subject up. I also might have some friends chat on here too that is anybody stops by maybe my dog will bark ha ha.
I found this site that lets you post audio free, like a huge storeage bin. Then you are supposed to be able to access it from like here at this post with a link. I have tried links to my own files on my computer to no success.
I will keep you informed on AUDIO BLOG here soon ha ha
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
My next Adventure in SPRINGBOK PUZZLES
Colon Prep

Well my mom was going to get her colon checked out but decided it was too much to go through for her. Here is a picture of the prscription she got at the doctor's office. Mom says NuLyte colon prep taste horrible, she would have had to drink a gallon of the stuff the afternoon before her morning colon test. She would have had also to fast the whole day before only alowed broth or jellow not the red kind. I told her to call up the doctor and ask him if NuLyte colon prep comes in Chocolate or Cherry flavor, mom would not do this.
Horse Vs. Car
Have you ever thought about getting a horse as your main means of transportation? Come on now, look how high gas is, im serious you should get a horse to ride to work and to the grociery store ha ha. You could pull in at your local convience store on the way to work and get your ride a twinkie to eat and your horse would be good to go. Or perhaps your horse would perfer a nugrain bar snack its got oats in it. There you go your set way cheaper than gasoline. So dont be suprised if you see a horse at your local convience store soon, gas is not getting any cheaper. Im going to get me a horse, I have to got this trend started myself it looks like ha ha. Look you could also pull a cart too, say good bye to your truck, you dont need it now ha ha.
Have you ever thought about getting a horse as your main means of transportation? Come on now, look how high gas is, im serious you should get a horse to ride to work and to the grociery store ha ha. You could pull in at your local convience store on the way to work and get your ride a twinkie to eat and your horse would be good to go. Or perhaps your horse would perfer a nugrain bar snack its got oats in it. There you go your set way cheaper than gasoline. So dont be suprised if you see a horse at your local convience store soon, gas is not getting any cheaper. Im going to get me a horse, I have to got this trend started myself it looks like ha ha. Look you could also pull a cart too, say good bye to your truck, you dont need it now ha ha.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Chair in the backyard
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Both Senators from Illinois
Scrutiny from "Fair Illinois Committee"
Opppnents of state vote on banning gay marriage checking petitions. The Fair Illinois Committee which says it has found so many errors on the ballot petitions that the referendum won't go before voters. I hope that the Fair Illinois Committee is wrong on their findings. We should not even be haveing such scruntiny on the petitions, dont the Fair Illinois Committee members know that it is a SIN for a man to lie with a man as he would with a women! We are all sinners and fall short of the GLORY of GOD, but to public stand oppesed to what is right in the sight of GOD ALMIGHTY is something far worse in my oppinioun. Fair Illinois Committee members should realize they are on the wrong side of this issue.

Monday, June 05, 2006
I help get Signatures
Ahoy there
I help get signatures for this worthy cause. Please pray for our nation that we dont become like the old roman empior that feel apart from within. With out a moral compas we are lost and doomed for failure.
Friday, June 02, 2006
'Protect Marriage IL' Signatures by County and City6/2/2006 3:10:00 PMBy Illinois Family Institute
Below is a listing of the total number of signatures submitted to each of Illinois' 110 election jurisdictions. Thanks to the hard work and sacrifice of more than 11,500 Illinois residents, the Protect Marriage Illinois (PMI) petition drive was a great success--over 347,000 conforming signatures were turned in. (Click HERE to read PMI Catholic Coordinator Susan Jordan's experience and lessons from the petition drive.) This sacrifice, however, is nothing compared to that which will be required from future genterations if we fail to defend the institution of marriage here and now. (Our effort is on the state level; click this link for efforts to pass a federal Marriage Protection Amendment, which will likely be voted on in the U.S. Senate next week.)The Illinois Board of Elections--working through all 110 local election clerks--is conducting a sample review of the petitions to make a judgment as to whether there are enough valid signatures to qualify the Marriage Referendum for the ballot.In the meantime, pro-homosexual activists led by the Gay Liberation Network, ACLU-Illinois, Equality Illinois, People for the American Way and Illinois NOW (National Organization for Women) are reviewing the PMI signatures in the hopes of finding enough invalid signatures to knock the Referendum off the ballot. The so-called "Fair Illinois" coalition fears a vote on homosexual "marriage" because they know they will lose (as they have in all 19 states that have held statewide marriage protection votes).This is why we urgently need your help. We can thwart the pro-homosexual lobby's desperate effort to deny you a vote on marriage--by mounting an aggressive legal defense of the Referendum petitions. But our legal defense will be expensive; it will likely cost us $50,000 or more. We need to raise $30,000 by Friday, June 16th. Please make an online tax-deductible gift to Illinois Family Institute by clicking HERE. Or send your gift by regular mail to Illinois Family Institute at: IFI, 799 Roosevelt Rd., Suite 3-208, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137. You can also phone in a credit card gift to IFI at 630-790-8370. Thank you for all your support. Please pray for this effort!
County or City SignaturesAdams-------------------4,099Alexander---------------123Bond--------------------645Boone-------------------1,487Brown-------------------147Bureau------------------887Calhoun-----------------58Carroll-----------------792Cass--------------------375Champaign-------------4,899Christian---------------1,261Clark-------------------918Clay--------------------1,301Clinton-----------------2,223Coles-------------------1,516Cook--------------------41,891Crawford----------------912Cumberland--------------914DeKalb------------------2,624DeWitt------------------902Douglas-----------------729DuPage-----------------27,079Edgar-------------------824Edwards-----------------453Effingham---------------3,091Fayette-----------------990Ford--------------------693Franklin----------------1,263Fulton------------------733Gallatin----------------246Greene------------------618Grundy------------------3,844Hamilton----------------410Hancock-----------------1,125Hardin------------------204Henderson---------------182Henry-------------------1,783Iroquois----------------1,657Jackson-----------------1,385Jasper------------------1,550Jefferson---------------1,692Jersey------------------800JoDaviess---------------775Johnson-----------------484Kane--------------------10,714Kankakee----------------2,950Kendall-----------------2,774Knox--------------------441Lake--------------------9,983LaSalle-----------------3,021Lawrence----------------921Lee---------------------1,218Livingston--------------1,170Logan-------------------1,361Macon-------------------4,176Macoupin----------------1,887Madison-----------------6,988Marion------------------1,497Marshall----------------336Mason-------------------729Massac------------------481McDonough---------------961McHenry-----------------7,424McLean------------------2,120Menard------------------507Mercer------------------328Monroe------------------1,265Montgomery--------------882Morgan------------------896Moultrie----------------761Ogle--------------------2,371Peoria------------------2,498Perry-------------------1,050Piatt-------------------767Pike--------------------897Pope--------------------173Pulaski-----------------181Putnam------------------79Randolph----------------2,034Richland----------------2,541Rock Island-------------3,431Saline------------------1,315Sangamon----------------6,365Schuyler----------------213Scott-------------------228Shelby------------------1,553Stark-------------------173St. Clair---------------9,512Stephenson--------------3,602Tazewell----------------5,909Union-------------------504Vermilion---------------1,168Wabash------------------464Warren------------------440Washington--------------748Wayne-------------------1,799White-------------------979Whiteside---------------1,504Will--------------------11,892Williamson--------------3,043Winnebago---------------4,019Woodford----------------2,592City of Aurora----------1,529City of Bloomington-----1,464City of Chicago---------72,273City of Danville--------898City of East St. Louis--105City of Galesburg-------510City of Peoria----------3,880City of Rockford--------6,834Article Link:"Protecting Marriage in Illinois: Lessons from the Petition Drive of 2006" (by PMI Catholic Coordinator Susan Jurdan)Support the work of IFI for your family and communityWe must continue, now more than ever, to champion immutable moral principals and take a strong stand for traditional values. IFI will continue to expose the lies of the left, and speak out in favor of time-tested values and dependable conservative ideals.If you believe in the mission and purpose of Illinois Family Institute, please send your most generous contribution to IFI today. IFI is supported by voluntary donations from individuals like you across the state of Illinois. Donations to IFI are tax-deductible.Illinois Family Institute799 W. Roosevelt RoadBuilding 3, Suite 208Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137You may also give online by clicking HERE. (All gifts to IFI are tax-deductible.)
Copyright © 2005, All Rights ReservedSpread the word! Forward this newsletter to a friend!Illinois Family Institute799 Roosevelt Road Building 3, Suite 208 Glen Ellyn, IL 60137Phone: (630) 790-8370 Fax: (630) 790-8390Email: info@illinoisfamily.orgSUBSCRIPTION INFORMATIONComments, complaints, or suggestions:info@illinoisfamily.orgPostal Address:Illinois Family Institute 799 Roosevelt Road Building 3, Suite 208 Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
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I help get signatures for this worthy cause. Please pray for our nation that we dont become like the old roman empior that feel apart from within. With out a moral compas we are lost and doomed for failure.
Friday, June 02, 2006
'Protect Marriage IL' Signatures by County and City6/2/2006 3:10:00 PMBy Illinois Family Institute
Below is a listing of the total number of signatures submitted to each of Illinois' 110 election jurisdictions. Thanks to the hard work and sacrifice of more than 11,500 Illinois residents, the Protect Marriage Illinois (PMI) petition drive was a great success--over 347,000 conforming signatures were turned in. (Click HERE to read PMI Catholic Coordinator Susan Jordan's experience and lessons from the petition drive.) This sacrifice, however, is nothing compared to that which will be required from future genterations if we fail to defend the institution of marriage here and now. (Our effort is on the state level; click this link for efforts to pass a federal Marriage Protection Amendment, which will likely be voted on in the U.S. Senate next week.)The Illinois Board of Elections--working through all 110 local election clerks--is conducting a sample review of the petitions to make a judgment as to whether there are enough valid signatures to qualify the Marriage Referendum for the ballot.In the meantime, pro-homosexual activists led by the Gay Liberation Network, ACLU-Illinois, Equality Illinois, People for the American Way and Illinois NOW (National Organization for Women) are reviewing the PMI signatures in the hopes of finding enough invalid signatures to knock the Referendum off the ballot. The so-called "Fair Illinois" coalition fears a vote on homosexual "marriage" because they know they will lose (as they have in all 19 states that have held statewide marriage protection votes).This is why we urgently need your help. We can thwart the pro-homosexual lobby's desperate effort to deny you a vote on marriage--by mounting an aggressive legal defense of the Referendum petitions. But our legal defense will be expensive; it will likely cost us $50,000 or more. We need to raise $30,000 by Friday, June 16th. Please make an online tax-deductible gift to Illinois Family Institute by clicking HERE. Or send your gift by regular mail to Illinois Family Institute at: IFI, 799 Roosevelt Rd., Suite 3-208, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137. You can also phone in a credit card gift to IFI at 630-790-8370. Thank you for all your support. Please pray for this effort!
County or City SignaturesAdams-------------------4,099Alexander---------------123Bond--------------------645Boone-------------------1,487Brown-------------------147Bureau------------------887Calhoun-----------------58Carroll-----------------792Cass--------------------375Champaign-------------4,899Christian---------------1,261Clark-------------------918Clay--------------------1,301Clinton-----------------2,223Coles-------------------1,516Cook--------------------41,891Crawford----------------912Cumberland--------------914DeKalb------------------2,624DeWitt------------------902Douglas-----------------729DuPage-----------------27,079Edgar-------------------824Edwards-----------------453Effingham---------------3,091Fayette-----------------990Ford--------------------693Franklin----------------1,263Fulton------------------733Gallatin----------------246Greene------------------618Grundy------------------3,844Hamilton----------------410Hancock-----------------1,125Hardin------------------204Henderson---------------182Henry-------------------1,783Iroquois----------------1,657Jackson-----------------1,385Jasper------------------1,550Jefferson---------------1,692Jersey------------------800JoDaviess---------------775Johnson-----------------484Kane--------------------10,714Kankakee----------------2,950Kendall-----------------2,774Knox--------------------441Lake--------------------9,983LaSalle-----------------3,021Lawrence----------------921Lee---------------------1,218Livingston--------------1,170Logan-------------------1,361Macon-------------------4,176Macoupin----------------1,887Madison-----------------6,988Marion------------------1,497Marshall----------------336Mason-------------------729Massac------------------481McDonough---------------961McHenry-----------------7,424McLean------------------2,120Menard------------------507Mercer------------------328Monroe------------------1,265Montgomery--------------882Morgan------------------896Moultrie----------------761Ogle--------------------2,371Peoria------------------2,498Perry-------------------1,050Piatt-------------------767Pike--------------------897Pope--------------------173Pulaski-----------------181Putnam------------------79Randolph----------------2,034Richland----------------2,541Rock Island-------------3,431Saline------------------1,315Sangamon----------------6,365Schuyler----------------213Scott-------------------228Shelby------------------1,553Stark-------------------173St. Clair---------------9,512Stephenson--------------3,602Tazewell----------------5,909Union-------------------504Vermilion---------------1,168Wabash------------------464Warren------------------440Washington--------------748Wayne-------------------1,799White-------------------979Whiteside---------------1,504Will--------------------11,892Williamson--------------3,043Winnebago---------------4,019Woodford----------------2,592City of Aurora----------1,529City of Bloomington-----1,464City of Chicago---------72,273City of Danville--------898City of East St. Louis--105City of Galesburg-------510City of Peoria----------3,880City of Rockford--------6,834Article Link:"Protecting Marriage in Illinois: Lessons from the Petition Drive of 2006" (by PMI Catholic Coordinator Susan Jurdan)Support the work of IFI for your family and communityWe must continue, now more than ever, to champion immutable moral principals and take a strong stand for traditional values. IFI will continue to expose the lies of the left, and speak out in favor of time-tested values and dependable conservative ideals.If you believe in the mission and purpose of Illinois Family Institute, please send your most generous contribution to IFI today. IFI is supported by voluntary donations from individuals like you across the state of Illinois. Donations to IFI are tax-deductible.Illinois Family Institute799 W. Roosevelt RoadBuilding 3, Suite 208Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137You may also give online by clicking HERE. (All gifts to IFI are tax-deductible.)
Copyright © 2005, All Rights ReservedSpread the word! Forward this newsletter to a friend!Illinois Family Institute799 Roosevelt Road Building 3, Suite 208 Glen Ellyn, IL 60137Phone: (630) 790-8370 Fax: (630) 790-8390Email: info@illinoisfamily.orgSUBSCRIPTION INFORMATIONComments, complaints, or suggestions:info@illinoisfamily.orgPostal Address:Illinois Family Institute 799 Roosevelt Road Building 3, Suite 208 Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
You have received this email because you subscribed at is a recurring e-mail newsletter. If you feel that you have received this email in error, please unsubscribe above or email to report any problems.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Friday, June 02, 2006
Amercian Civil War

Well this is one of the hardest puzzles I have ever done!!! I have been working on this one for over two months easy. I realy like this one though because the puzzle has Abraham Lincoln in it.The name on the box is "American Civil War" painted by Art Carlson the puzzle is made by Springbok. On the back of the box is a lot of good info on the Amercian Civil war(1861-1865) plus it indentifies the people in the puzzle like besides Abraham Lincoln there is also Jefferson Davis who was the Comander and Cheif of the South's army. You might have heared his named mentioned before on the old "Beverly Hillbilles show" granny used to bring up his name on ocasion ha ha.
Picture of Home I want
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Well I have a job now that pays! I start today and im very excited to be back in the work force of America. The job is only part time for now.
The Lord be with you!
Well I have a job now that pays! I start today and im very excited to be back in the work force of America. The job is only part time for now.
The Lord be with you!
Friday, March 17, 2006
Happy St.Paddy's Day
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Adoration of our Lord
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Friday, March 10, 2006
The Puzzle is Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

The only sad part is im missing a piece:( The bridge part. Very cool puzzle lots of fun to make. There is this website that you can go to for old Spingbok puzzles pieces, but they dont have mine. People can donate pieces so im hopen somebody will donate this piece. Also on e-bay they have round springbok puzzles for sale to bid on, I have not yet saw "Famous World Landmarks" for sale yet! If I do I probaly bid on it
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Pray the Rosary
Pray the Rosary for Peace.
For our Jewish brothers and sisters.
For Jerusalem.
The Lord be with you.
For our Jewish brothers and sisters.
For Jerusalem.
The Lord be with you.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Friday, March 03, 2006
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I started the puzzle late last night. The morning after photo shows how much I got done. I thank GOD for this puzzle. I love the truth that its got Christ the Redeemer landmark located in Rio De Janeiro. Plus lots of other world landmarks. Later today its supposed to rain here so I will work on the puzzle then. Today is Ash Wednesday, so im going to mass. Mass starts at 12:10 its my turn to drive, so I got to pick up Jim. I will have Ashes on my forehead after mass.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Monday, February 27, 2006
I went to Dollar General Today

I went to Dollar General store today it was fun, my dog Jazz rode with me. I got at the store, Doritoes Spicy Nacho my favorite, Milk, two Mountain Dews 20 ounce, Fishsticks, ketchup. I also bought some Rice Crispy snack cakes but I donated them to OUr Service men in Iraque. Inside the store Dollar General had a box set up for donations for our troops serving in the war on terror. So I did my part! here is a picture of our Dollar General Store here in Carlivnville, ILL.
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