Jazz the dog in the photo above has lost his bark:(
Jazz can still bark but no where near as loud as he used too. Hopefully Jazz will get his bark back!
Some Politics, mostly conservative points of veiw. Catholic slant, Homecare for elderly Mom and pet Jazz.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Package arrives!!!!!!
I sent a package to my Fiance in the Philippines and she got it!!!!! Thank you Jesus!!!!! I sent it to her for Christmas!!!!!! Thanks again Jesus and the angels for making sure my Christmas prezz arrived to whom it was intended!!! Oh thanks to the U.S. Postal workers and Philippine postal workers!
ZOOM I got a Christmas present from my Fiance too in the mail a couple days ago!! Thank you Jesus!!! I got a Singapore t-shirt and Singapore banner plus some photo's too! I have the Singapore banner hanging in the living room next to our TV. Plus mom got a pearl necklace and a cool Singapore silver thing . Mom wanted me to hang it on the wall too so I did!!
ZOOM I got a Christmas present from my Fiance too in the mail a couple days ago!! Thank you Jesus!!! I got a Singapore t-shirt and Singapore banner plus some photo's too! I have the Singapore banner hanging in the living room next to our TV. Plus mom got a pearl necklace and a cool Singapore silver thing . Mom wanted me to hang it on the wall too so I did!!
Monday, December 03, 2007
Happy holidays
Merry Christams
I would like to encourage you to pray the Rosary everyday. When you pray the Rosary you are just like an Angel.
I would like to encourage you to pray the Rosary everyday. When you pray the Rosary you are just like an Angel.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Today I watched EWTN Mother Angelica clasic.
Mother Angelica was telling us how Jesus feed the people with some bread and fish. Jesus had the people sit down in groups of fifthy and then had his disceiples hand out the bread and fish. Jesus worked a miracle feeding all those people with only a couple of loafes of bread and fish. Then Jesus said not to waste, so he had his deseiples gather the reamaning left overs, and they gatherd enough to fill twelve baskets. I think Jesus feed over 5,000 people that day. Well anyway did you ever wonder why Jesus had them collect the scraps left over? Mother Angelica said that all our bad choices and bad memories are like the scraps left over. Jesus uses everything in our lives to bring around something good. So give your bad meomories and bad choices to Jesus and let him make something good and true come out of them!
Today I watched EWTN Mother Angelica clasic.
Mother Angelica was telling us how Jesus feed the people with some bread and fish. Jesus had the people sit down in groups of fifthy and then had his disceiples hand out the bread and fish. Jesus worked a miracle feeding all those people with only a couple of loafes of bread and fish. Then Jesus said not to waste, so he had his deseiples gather the reamaning left overs, and they gatherd enough to fill twelve baskets. I think Jesus feed over 5,000 people that day. Well anyway did you ever wonder why Jesus had them collect the scraps left over? Mother Angelica said that all our bad choices and bad memories are like the scraps left over. Jesus uses everything in our lives to bring around something good. So give your bad meomories and bad choices to Jesus and let him make something good and true come out of them!
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Zoo Night
Monday, July 23, 2007
Photo's of my Colours plants
Janitor's thoughts
Well this last Saturday night was insightful to me. Rick a friend of mine at work was dust mopping the main gym's floor. When I saw Rick sweeping the gym's floor it brought back high school memories of me sitting in the bleecher and watching the basketball game. At half-time during the game the one of our school's janitor would come out and dust mop the gym floor. I would think to myself what a dork! Now some 20 years later I do the same thing, all my lifes goals have been meet ha ha. Years of studying and hard work have made it possible for me to accomplish the task of dust mopping the gyms floor!!!!
Well this last Saturday night was insightful to me. Rick a friend of mine at work was dust mopping the main gym's floor. When I saw Rick sweeping the gym's floor it brought back high school memories of me sitting in the bleecher and watching the basketball game. At half-time during the game the one of our school's janitor would come out and dust mop the gym floor. I would think to myself what a dork! Now some 20 years later I do the same thing, all my lifes goals have been meet ha ha. Years of studying and hard work have made it possible for me to accomplish the task of dust mopping the gyms floor!!!!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Nemo and his dog Oreo
Here is a photo of Nemo, Nemo is a plumber and i am his assistant. Nemo is filling his pool for his kids. Nemo's dog Oreo shows me nothing but love ha ha, well I wish. Every time I'm over there Oreo makes sure she barks at me and also tries to bite me this is a daily occurrence. Oreo just had pups oh about a month ago, two one male and one female.
Monday, July 16, 2007
The dineing Hall at work
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Me at work Baby!!
I'm a custodian Baby!!! I'm loven every minute of it!!! Being a janitor is great fun and very exciting to boot!!!! There's nothing quiet like cleaning urinals and toilets all night long!!!! Ummm turds on the wall and on the urinals too BABY!!! I might be qualified for Dirty Jobs TV show with my hero Mike ha ha. In this freeze frame of me, I'm cleaning the men's shower room. The time is probably around 1 am in the morning sugar.
oxtail soup recipes
here are some oxtail soup recipes I got off the web. Im planing on going to Super Walmart in Litchfield tomorrow and get me some Oxtails and make some soup baby!!!
oxtail soup, hawaiian-style
3-4 lbs oxtail, trimmed of excess fat2 tbsp toasted sesame oilsalt and pepper to taste
2 large onions, chopped2 large carrots, diced 2 large celery stalks, diced1 head of garlic, crushed
1 piece fresh ginger (approx. 3-inches), thinly sliced3 star anise3 bay leaves3 lemongrass stalks, cut and crushedor 1 piece dried orange peelor 6 lemon leaves
canola oilwater or chicken stock (about 3 to 4 quarts)
garnish (use all, or choose as you wish):cilantro mintmustard greens, cut into 1/4-inch stripsthinly sliced red onionbasil leaveslime wedgesgrated gingergreen onionsoy saucechili water/hot pepper flakes
place oxtails, sesame oil, salt and pepper in bowl; toss to coat. let it marinate for about an hour.
in a large stockpot, add about a quarter-inch of cooking oil. brown the marinated oxtails over medium-high heat; remove the meat from the pot, and set aside. Add the onions, carrots, celery, and garlic to the pot, and sauté until the onions are translucent. return the oxtails to the pot, along with the ginger, star anise, bay leaves, and lemongrass. add enough water or chicken stock to cover the meat completely; bring to a boil. turn down the heat, and simmer for approximately 2 hours; skim off any fat or scum that rises to the surface. When the meat is fork-tender, remove the oxtails, and strain the soup into a clean saucepan; discard the boiled vegetables and spices. skim the fat off the soup, return the oxtail to the pot, and bring to a simmer. serve with garnishes of your choice.
Labels: recipe
Posted by santos. This entry was posted on 20060404 at 8:29 PM You can skip to the end and leave a response.
No.2 Oxtail soup
Oxtail Soup Ingredients2 pounds oxtail, cut in 1 to 1-1/2-inch chunks and trimmed of excess fat1/2 cup unsifted flour plus 2 tablespoons2 tablespoons beef drippings or cooking oil2 medium-size yellow onions, peeled and minced2 quarts water, or 6 cups water and 1 pint beef broth or bouillon2 tablespoons tomato paste2 teaspoons salt1/4 teaspoon pepper1 bay leaf1/2 teaspoon thyme3 cloves2 sprigs parsley2 medium-size carrots, peeled and diced1 stalk celery, diced1/3 cup dry sherry or port wine (optional)
InstructionsDredge oxtail in 1/2 cup flour, then brown in drippings in a large, heavy kettle over high heat; drain on paper toweling. Turn heat to moderate and stir-fry onions 8 to 10 minutes until golden; sprinkle in remaining flour, mix well, and brown lightly. Slowly add water, stir in tomato paste, salt, and pepper, also bay leaf tied in cheesecloth with thyme, cloves, and parsley. Return oxtail to kettle, cover, and simmer 3 hours until meat is fork tender; cool and skim off fat; remove cheesecloth bag. Separate meat from bones, cut in bite-size pieces, and return to kettle along with carrots and celery. Cover and simmer 10 to 15 minutes until carrots are tender; if you like, mix in sherry. Serve as is or strain kettle liquid, serve as a first course, and follow with oxtail and vegetables.
Yield: 6 servings
Ingredients for Oxtail Soup Recipe 31 large oxtail 1 onion 1 small slice fat salt pork or 1 tablespoon beef drippings 2 quarts water 1 carrot 1 stalk celery 2 teaspoons salt 2 cloves 2 peppercorns ½ saltspoonful paprika A sprig of parsley A little thyme A blade of mace InstructionsWash and cut up the oxtail, separating at each joint; divide the thick parts into four. Slice the onion and the saute in the hot pork or beef drippings. When the onion begins to brown, put in half of the oxtail and brown. Put this with the other in the soup-kettle, add the cold water, and when it comes to a boil add the carrot, celery, parsley, mace, and thyme, the cloves, peppers, and salt, and let it simmer until the oxtail is tender and begins to fall from the bones. Lift out some of the nicest pieces of oxtail and remove the meat from the bones, cut it small, and set aside to be served in the soup. Strain the liquor, skim off the fat, add the pieces of meat, more salt if necessary, and a little paprika. Boil up and add half a glass madeira or port. Serve with soup sticks. This soup, if made carefully, should be clear. If a thick soup is desired, brown a little of the fat in a saucepan, mix in very smoothly a tablespoon of flour, and stir in before putting in the piece of meat. It may also be varied by putting in the vegetables after the stock has been strained. They should then be diced and boiled in the stock until tender, but not broken. Related Recipes
Originally uploaded by ulteriorepicure.
When it’s cold outside, one wants nothing more than a warm bowl of fortification. I find my strength in hearty soups and stews. One of my childhood favorites is oxtail soup. There are a bazillion ways to prepare oxtails.
The French braise the bone-on-meat in red wine until the meat falls off the bone and is enrobed in a rich dark burgandy lacquer. The effect is similar to braised veal cheeks - a technique that the Chinese also do very well - which was the inspiration for a fine dish I had earlier this year at Jean Georges.
Eastern Europeans often will simply make a broth-based soup with oxtails stewed with all the usual poor man’s vegetables: potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, celery and onions. It’s a simple process, requiring little to no attention - which suited me just fine for last night.
A good oxtail soup of this latter version should be served hot. It’s a very simple affair that shouldn’t be muddled with too many herbs or other flavors. The soup should be full of braised cabbage and chunks of other hearty vegetables like potatoes, parsnips, turnips, carrots and celery and should be too greasy (skimming for fat is a must). I like to add tomatoes for both colour and a delightful tangy sweetness. The meat should be braised so that it’s barely clinging to the cog-like bones by a few wonderfully gelatinous tendons.
There’s really no exact science:
1. Trim your oxtails of as much fat as possible.
2. In a hot dutch oven (or stock pot), sear the oxtails. Work in batches, if necessary. Remove from seared oxtails to a plate.
3. Saute some onions and roughly chopped tomatoes (or canned stewed tomatoes work well) with minced garlic in some oil in a dutch oven. When they have just begun to soften, return the oxtails and any juice to the pot along with the onions and garlic. Season liberally with salt and pepper.
4. Pour enough water to cover the oxtails by three times. Bring to a boil and then simmer for 2 hours. Add water if necessary.
5. Roughly chop cabbage, celery and potatoes (or any other root vegetable like turnips or carrots) in amounts desired. Add to the simmering stock and simmer for another hour.
6. Skim as much fat as possible and serve immediately with crusty bread. If you want to go fancy, chop up some chives or parsley and garnish. For an Asian bent - throw in some ginger during the braising process and use soy sauce instead of salt. Garnish with cilantro.
One Response to “restoration hardware…”
here are some oxtail soup recipes I got off the web. Im planing on going to Super Walmart in Litchfield tomorrow and get me some Oxtails and make some soup baby!!!
oxtail soup, hawaiian-style
3-4 lbs oxtail, trimmed of excess fat2 tbsp toasted sesame oilsalt and pepper to taste
2 large onions, chopped2 large carrots, diced 2 large celery stalks, diced1 head of garlic, crushed
1 piece fresh ginger (approx. 3-inches), thinly sliced3 star anise3 bay leaves3 lemongrass stalks, cut and crushedor 1 piece dried orange peelor 6 lemon leaves
canola oilwater or chicken stock (about 3 to 4 quarts)
garnish (use all, or choose as you wish):cilantro mintmustard greens, cut into 1/4-inch stripsthinly sliced red onionbasil leaveslime wedgesgrated gingergreen onionsoy saucechili water/hot pepper flakes
place oxtails, sesame oil, salt and pepper in bowl; toss to coat. let it marinate for about an hour.
in a large stockpot, add about a quarter-inch of cooking oil. brown the marinated oxtails over medium-high heat; remove the meat from the pot, and set aside. Add the onions, carrots, celery, and garlic to the pot, and sauté until the onions are translucent. return the oxtails to the pot, along with the ginger, star anise, bay leaves, and lemongrass. add enough water or chicken stock to cover the meat completely; bring to a boil. turn down the heat, and simmer for approximately 2 hours; skim off any fat or scum that rises to the surface. When the meat is fork-tender, remove the oxtails, and strain the soup into a clean saucepan; discard the boiled vegetables and spices. skim the fat off the soup, return the oxtail to the pot, and bring to a simmer. serve with garnishes of your choice.
Labels: recipe
Posted by santos. This entry was posted on 20060404 at 8:29 PM You can skip to the end and leave a response.
No.2 Oxtail soup
Oxtail Soup Ingredients2 pounds oxtail, cut in 1 to 1-1/2-inch chunks and trimmed of excess fat1/2 cup unsifted flour plus 2 tablespoons2 tablespoons beef drippings or cooking oil2 medium-size yellow onions, peeled and minced2 quarts water, or 6 cups water and 1 pint beef broth or bouillon2 tablespoons tomato paste2 teaspoons salt1/4 teaspoon pepper1 bay leaf1/2 teaspoon thyme3 cloves2 sprigs parsley2 medium-size carrots, peeled and diced1 stalk celery, diced1/3 cup dry sherry or port wine (optional)
InstructionsDredge oxtail in 1/2 cup flour, then brown in drippings in a large, heavy kettle over high heat; drain on paper toweling. Turn heat to moderate and stir-fry onions 8 to 10 minutes until golden; sprinkle in remaining flour, mix well, and brown lightly. Slowly add water, stir in tomato paste, salt, and pepper, also bay leaf tied in cheesecloth with thyme, cloves, and parsley. Return oxtail to kettle, cover, and simmer 3 hours until meat is fork tender; cool and skim off fat; remove cheesecloth bag. Separate meat from bones, cut in bite-size pieces, and return to kettle along with carrots and celery. Cover and simmer 10 to 15 minutes until carrots are tender; if you like, mix in sherry. Serve as is or strain kettle liquid, serve as a first course, and follow with oxtail and vegetables.
Yield: 6 servings
Ingredients for Oxtail Soup Recipe 31 large oxtail 1 onion 1 small slice fat salt pork or 1 tablespoon beef drippings 2 quarts water 1 carrot 1 stalk celery 2 teaspoons salt 2 cloves 2 peppercorns ½ saltspoonful paprika A sprig of parsley A little thyme A blade of mace InstructionsWash and cut up the oxtail, separating at each joint; divide the thick parts into four. Slice the onion and the saute in the hot pork or beef drippings. When the onion begins to brown, put in half of the oxtail and brown. Put this with the other in the soup-kettle, add the cold water, and when it comes to a boil add the carrot, celery, parsley, mace, and thyme, the cloves, peppers, and salt, and let it simmer until the oxtail is tender and begins to fall from the bones. Lift out some of the nicest pieces of oxtail and remove the meat from the bones, cut it small, and set aside to be served in the soup. Strain the liquor, skim off the fat, add the pieces of meat, more salt if necessary, and a little paprika. Boil up and add half a glass madeira or port. Serve with soup sticks. This soup, if made carefully, should be clear. If a thick soup is desired, brown a little of the fat in a saucepan, mix in very smoothly a tablespoon of flour, and stir in before putting in the piece of meat. It may also be varied by putting in the vegetables after the stock has been strained. They should then be diced and boiled in the stock until tender, but not broken. Related Recipes
Originally uploaded by ulteriorepicure.
When it’s cold outside, one wants nothing more than a warm bowl of fortification. I find my strength in hearty soups and stews. One of my childhood favorites is oxtail soup. There are a bazillion ways to prepare oxtails.
The French braise the bone-on-meat in red wine until the meat falls off the bone and is enrobed in a rich dark burgandy lacquer. The effect is similar to braised veal cheeks - a technique that the Chinese also do very well - which was the inspiration for a fine dish I had earlier this year at Jean Georges.
Eastern Europeans often will simply make a broth-based soup with oxtails stewed with all the usual poor man’s vegetables: potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, celery and onions. It’s a simple process, requiring little to no attention - which suited me just fine for last night.
A good oxtail soup of this latter version should be served hot. It’s a very simple affair that shouldn’t be muddled with too many herbs or other flavors. The soup should be full of braised cabbage and chunks of other hearty vegetables like potatoes, parsnips, turnips, carrots and celery and should be too greasy (skimming for fat is a must). I like to add tomatoes for both colour and a delightful tangy sweetness. The meat should be braised so that it’s barely clinging to the cog-like bones by a few wonderfully gelatinous tendons.
There’s really no exact science:
1. Trim your oxtails of as much fat as possible.
2. In a hot dutch oven (or stock pot), sear the oxtails. Work in batches, if necessary. Remove from seared oxtails to a plate.
3. Saute some onions and roughly chopped tomatoes (or canned stewed tomatoes work well) with minced garlic in some oil in a dutch oven. When they have just begun to soften, return the oxtails and any juice to the pot along with the onions and garlic. Season liberally with salt and pepper.
4. Pour enough water to cover the oxtails by three times. Bring to a boil and then simmer for 2 hours. Add water if necessary.
5. Roughly chop cabbage, celery and potatoes (or any other root vegetable like turnips or carrots) in amounts desired. Add to the simmering stock and simmer for another hour.
6. Skim as much fat as possible and serve immediately with crusty bread. If you want to go fancy, chop up some chives or parsley and garnish. For an Asian bent - throw in some ginger during the braising process and use soy sauce instead of salt. Garnish with cilantro.
One Response to “restoration hardware…”
What I did on Lunch break
This morning at 3am I played some ping pong!!! My opponents were Skyler and Rick both fellow coworkers and great ping pong players. I got skinned the first came by Skyler like the score was 11 to 3 or something like that. I almost won the rematch against Skyler and then I played Rick and lost to him as well. I have to work tonight and hope to be able to play some more ping pong on lunch break!!!
This morning at 3am I played some ping pong!!! My opponents were Skyler and Rick both fellow coworkers and great ping pong players. I got skinned the first came by Skyler like the score was 11 to 3 or something like that. I almost won the rematch against Skyler and then I played Rick and lost to him as well. I have to work tonight and hope to be able to play some more ping pong on lunch break!!!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Glass coke bottles and straws
Saturday, June 02, 2007
RBI video game
Boston won, my friend Nemo kicked my butt ha ha,. I should have won,my team on RBI is always Detroit. We played the game on the original Nintendo.
News flash!!! I won with Detroit against the American league team. Nemo was pissed!!!!! The score was 4 to 3 and I had lots of strike outs against them. Detroit was finally playing the way I knew they could. Mark Mcguire is all juiced up on steroids in the RBI game, but I managed to keep him to like only one home run. Lets see this victory of mine happened oh I would say around the the 4rth of July of 2007. We played in Nemo's boys room, Jeffery. Jeffery almost had to have heart surgery, but thank GOD he did not have to have it. Jeffery is like 4 or maybe 5, I found a pair of Disney sun glasses for kids at work and gave them to Jeffery. He looked so cute in them:) Me and Nemo are looking for more plumbing jobs, we finished the Pavilion around the 4rth or a little later. We put in a 300 feet of underground water pipe and hooked up a pump and then did all the electrical work on the pavilion. I did all the receptacles and light switches after we ran managed to get all the wire ran. Nemo was upstairs in the roof doing all the electrical wiring for ceiling fans, 4 ceiling fans that have lights.
After we were done with the pavilion the shed finally arrived. The shed was placed next to the pavilion on the south west corner I believe. Well we had to run electrical wire to it too, that's where the fridge is kept for parties and we also put in a light in the shed. I used a green friendly bulb you know one of those compact fluorescent bulbs supposed to last 9 years. I feel its important for me to help reduce my energy footprint and spread green friendly light bulbs where possible:0)
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Lawn mowing
Friday, April 27, 2007
Stabbing at work
Well your not going to believe this but when I pulled into work the other night there were two ambulances and two or three cop cars in the parking lot of where I work. I work at this Christian center and well a mother and her daughter got into a fight with each other useing a knife!!! Either the mom had a knife to the daughters throat or vise versa, but thank GOD no one was killed. One of them did get cut though but I dont know where on the body or whom it was of the two. So of all the places to work you think it would be a safe place at a Christain center right? But I guess it shows that we are sinners and in need of help from the Lord.
Oh I have ordered from Ewtn two brown scapulars today from Mother Angelica's program of religious catalog.
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Well your not going to believe this but when I pulled into work the other night there were two ambulances and two or three cop cars in the parking lot of where I work. I work at this Christian center and well a mother and her daughter got into a fight with each other useing a knife!!! Either the mom had a knife to the daughters throat or vise versa, but thank GOD no one was killed. One of them did get cut though but I dont know where on the body or whom it was of the two. So of all the places to work you think it would be a safe place at a Christain center right? But I guess it shows that we are sinners and in need of help from the Lord.
Oh I have ordered from Ewtn two brown scapulars today from Mother Angelica's program of religious catalog.
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Trip Planned to the Philippines
Im hoping GOD will bless me and let me go to the Philippines this summer. Home land security demands that I meet in person my bride before they will grant visa to my fiance.
So far the grave yard shift is not my cup of tea. Personally I think Satin thought these work hours up. Lets see there are twenty four hours in a day hmmm why not have humans working from midnight to eight in the morning. That way they wont get any rest or sleep and be very tired all day. Yep Satin thought this shift up:) Oh well at least Jesus is with me infact I have a new necklace from my fiance. Its got the divine image of Jesus on it and the crucifixion a combination. did you know that the divine image of Jesus http://www.mercyimages.com/ matches perfectly with the image of the Shroud of Turin http://www.shroud.com/
Thank you Jesus!!
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Im hoping GOD will bless me and let me go to the Philippines this summer. Home land security demands that I meet in person my bride before they will grant visa to my fiance.
So far the grave yard shift is not my cup of tea. Personally I think Satin thought these work hours up. Lets see there are twenty four hours in a day hmmm why not have humans working from midnight to eight in the morning. That way they wont get any rest or sleep and be very tired all day. Yep Satin thought this shift up:) Oh well at least Jesus is with me infact I have a new necklace from my fiance. Its got the divine image of Jesus on it and the crucifixion a combination. did you know that the divine image of Jesus http://www.mercyimages.com/ matches perfectly with the image of the Shroud of Turin http://www.shroud.com/
Thank you Jesus!!
Live Search Maps – find all the local information you need, right when you need it. Find it!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Twilight Zone at work
Well the first three days or should I say nights have been very very hard to do!! The first night at lunch time "2:30"am there are a bunch of kids in the lobby where we the night custodians are taking our lunch break. Well everybody is talking and I can't say one word!!! I'm like in a daze or like in the Twilight zone. Rick the night host behind the counter is telling the kids they will be a wake up call at 5 am ha ha, and the kids will then have to run the trail. Rick was teasing them of course.
The children were un supervised and had just came from the pool, the oldest being 16. All that was going through my mind at the time was where were there parents ha ha. I must be old fashion ha ha. But I guess they were a good bunch of kids, 4 girls and one boy probably the youngest was around 8 or 9 years old. There is no way my parents would have ever let me be out that late when i was there age.
The second night lunch time consisted of me helping a coworker " Dave". Dave's truck had broke down on the way to work. So at lunch time he asked me if I could push his Chevy s-10 pickup truck up this little hill. I said sure ha ha, so anyway we hop into the company van and he drives us over to where is truck is. Me and him both hop out of the van and run to the his truck. Dave opens his driver side door on his truck, puts the truck in neutral. I'm on the ass end of the truck. We start to push the pickup up the slight incline but as we get near the top of the road we come to a complete stop. We are plum tuckered out and cant push the truck up around the corner. So Dave decides to push the truck off the road into a flat grass field. So we both push the truck into the grass, but then Dave thinks it will sink in the soft grass fields and get stuck. So now we both push it back on the road. Now I'm getting of tired of pushing this truck all over the dark road and field. So being the kind person that i am I volunteer the use of my pickup truck to pull his truck:) What a saint I am ha ha. Dave at first does not want to do this for some reason, but anyway he changes his mind. We hop back into the mighty white company van and we fly back to where my truck is in the parking lot. We both exit the fabulous white van with humor and grace from up above, we are like gazelles running in a open field as we cross the parking lot towards my groovy red awesome ford ranger, with a totally old camper shell on top of the truck bed. We get into my truck with the ease of a hot dog getting into a bun. Now I fire up old Betsy and we take off towards Dave's broken down Chevy. Well after many speed bumps and lots of turns along the way back we arrive!! We both have huge grins on our faces as we look out the front windshield of my truck at Dave's Chevy. Don't ask me why we were smiling maybe it was just in my mind ha ha!! After exiting my tough ford ranger pickup truck we give each other high Fives in mid air and then we give each other low fives too.
Now Dave does not want me to hook up the chain to the front of his wonderful blue Chevy s-10 pickup truck that came from the bowls of hell ha ha just to torment me and take up my whole lunch hour ha ha. Now I speak up in a voice that is loud and forceful with meaning, I tell Dave in a tone that is harsh yet kind, we are going to hook up to your back bumper and you can drive the truck backwards!!!!!!! Now Dave reacts in a way that made me think his brown hair was going to turn into flames of red fire!! He jumped up and down and screamed at the top of his lungs, then he dropped to the ground and started to through a baby tantrum!! He was kicking his feet and pounding the road with his fist as he lie there on the deserted road at about 3 am in the morning. The he started to hold his breath and when that did not work to change my mind. Dave stood up like a rocket and looked at me with calm and understanding in his eyes. Dave said OK your right lets hook up your pickup to the rear of my pickup and I will drive it backwards as you gently pull me down the road towards heaven ha ha. The heaven was a huge barn about 1 mile away whit a huge parking area in front to leave the truck.
Now I hop back into my truck, turned the key and drove up past Dave's truck and did a quick ueeee in the road. Then came along side Dave's truck and past it and then backed up to Dave's truck. I bolted from my pickup with silver in my hands and drule running down my chin. The huge log chain was heavy and took all my strenght to carry it but I manged it. I threw the silver colored log chain down at Dave's feet, the huge chain landed with a loud thud that kinda shook the ground. I ordered Dave to get under his truck bumper now and hook up his end of the chain to his bumper pronto!!!! While Dave was doing that I became the human torch and had my chain hooked up to my big beasty red ford ranger in absolutely no time. Dave how ever had all kinds of trouble, tisk tisk tisk, I said. I spread my dark blue wings and flew over to Dave and grabbed the chain from his shaking hands and tied a not with it to his rear bumper. As I flew back to my truck truck I looked down at Dave and told him to get of his knees and get in his truck now!!!!! I landed in the front seat of my pickup truck, before anyone cold say "Bad Finger" I hauling ass ha ha. Yep that's right I was pulling his truck with mine, needless to say Dave was all over the road behind me. I guess he could not backup backwards that well at 3:30 in the morning. Dave plowed into a mail box along the way, I just laughed and kept on pulling him. Next he is in somebodies front yard with his crappy old Chevy pickup truck and wound up coming back on the road just in time before he would have plowed in the car in driveway!!! I was thinking to myself as this was going on, dam Sunday morning driver that Dave is. Then I pulled him over a speed bump in the road, well you would have thought Dave had nitro in his engine, that is if his truck had been running, Dave was air borne now!!!! Oh great I thought now he is going to land that old piece of junk on the back of my truck bed and crush my old camper shell. You know what I did? I gunned my truck even faster ha ha. Dave and his truck came crashing down inches away from the rear of my truck. I could see sparks fly from the ground as his truck bounced up and down a couple times before starting to roll down the road again. Simply put, Dave was one of the worst drivers I have had the privilege of towing. Well anyway we finally get to the big barn. Dave thanked me, I said you should and shook his hand.
Well the first three days or should I say nights have been very very hard to do!! The first night at lunch time "2:30"am there are a bunch of kids in the lobby where we the night custodians are taking our lunch break. Well everybody is talking and I can't say one word!!! I'm like in a daze or like in the Twilight zone. Rick the night host behind the counter is telling the kids they will be a wake up call at 5 am ha ha, and the kids will then have to run the trail. Rick was teasing them of course.
The children were un supervised and had just came from the pool, the oldest being 16. All that was going through my mind at the time was where were there parents ha ha. I must be old fashion ha ha. But I guess they were a good bunch of kids, 4 girls and one boy probably the youngest was around 8 or 9 years old. There is no way my parents would have ever let me be out that late when i was there age.
The second night lunch time consisted of me helping a coworker " Dave". Dave's truck had broke down on the way to work. So at lunch time he asked me if I could push his Chevy s-10 pickup truck up this little hill. I said sure ha ha, so anyway we hop into the company van and he drives us over to where is truck is. Me and him both hop out of the van and run to the his truck. Dave opens his driver side door on his truck, puts the truck in neutral. I'm on the ass end of the truck. We start to push the pickup up the slight incline but as we get near the top of the road we come to a complete stop. We are plum tuckered out and cant push the truck up around the corner. So Dave decides to push the truck off the road into a flat grass field. So we both push the truck into the grass, but then Dave thinks it will sink in the soft grass fields and get stuck. So now we both push it back on the road. Now I'm getting of tired of pushing this truck all over the dark road and field. So being the kind person that i am I volunteer the use of my pickup truck to pull his truck:) What a saint I am ha ha. Dave at first does not want to do this for some reason, but anyway he changes his mind. We hop back into the mighty white company van and we fly back to where my truck is in the parking lot. We both exit the fabulous white van with humor and grace from up above, we are like gazelles running in a open field as we cross the parking lot towards my groovy red awesome ford ranger, with a totally old camper shell on top of the truck bed. We get into my truck with the ease of a hot dog getting into a bun. Now I fire up old Betsy and we take off towards Dave's broken down Chevy. Well after many speed bumps and lots of turns along the way back we arrive!! We both have huge grins on our faces as we look out the front windshield of my truck at Dave's Chevy. Don't ask me why we were smiling maybe it was just in my mind ha ha!! After exiting my tough ford ranger pickup truck we give each other high Fives in mid air and then we give each other low fives too.
Now Dave does not want me to hook up the chain to the front of his wonderful blue Chevy s-10 pickup truck that came from the bowls of hell ha ha just to torment me and take up my whole lunch hour ha ha. Now I speak up in a voice that is loud and forceful with meaning, I tell Dave in a tone that is harsh yet kind, we are going to hook up to your back bumper and you can drive the truck backwards!!!!!!! Now Dave reacts in a way that made me think his brown hair was going to turn into flames of red fire!! He jumped up and down and screamed at the top of his lungs, then he dropped to the ground and started to through a baby tantrum!! He was kicking his feet and pounding the road with his fist as he lie there on the deserted road at about 3 am in the morning. The he started to hold his breath and when that did not work to change my mind. Dave stood up like a rocket and looked at me with calm and understanding in his eyes. Dave said OK your right lets hook up your pickup to the rear of my pickup and I will drive it backwards as you gently pull me down the road towards heaven ha ha. The heaven was a huge barn about 1 mile away whit a huge parking area in front to leave the truck.
Now I hop back into my truck, turned the key and drove up past Dave's truck and did a quick ueeee in the road. Then came along side Dave's truck and past it and then backed up to Dave's truck. I bolted from my pickup with silver in my hands and drule running down my chin. The huge log chain was heavy and took all my strenght to carry it but I manged it. I threw the silver colored log chain down at Dave's feet, the huge chain landed with a loud thud that kinda shook the ground. I ordered Dave to get under his truck bumper now and hook up his end of the chain to his bumper pronto!!!! While Dave was doing that I became the human torch and had my chain hooked up to my big beasty red ford ranger in absolutely no time. Dave how ever had all kinds of trouble, tisk tisk tisk, I said. I spread my dark blue wings and flew over to Dave and grabbed the chain from his shaking hands and tied a not with it to his rear bumper. As I flew back to my truck truck I looked down at Dave and told him to get of his knees and get in his truck now!!!!! I landed in the front seat of my pickup truck, before anyone cold say "Bad Finger" I hauling ass ha ha. Yep that's right I was pulling his truck with mine, needless to say Dave was all over the road behind me. I guess he could not backup backwards that well at 3:30 in the morning. Dave plowed into a mail box along the way, I just laughed and kept on pulling him. Next he is in somebodies front yard with his crappy old Chevy pickup truck and wound up coming back on the road just in time before he would have plowed in the car in driveway!!! I was thinking to myself as this was going on, dam Sunday morning driver that Dave is. Then I pulled him over a speed bump in the road, well you would have thought Dave had nitro in his engine, that is if his truck had been running, Dave was air borne now!!!! Oh great I thought now he is going to land that old piece of junk on the back of my truck bed and crush my old camper shell. You know what I did? I gunned my truck even faster ha ha. Dave and his truck came crashing down inches away from the rear of my truck. I could see sparks fly from the ground as his truck bounced up and down a couple times before starting to roll down the road again. Simply put, Dave was one of the worst drivers I have had the privilege of towing. Well anyway we finally get to the big barn. Dave thanked me, I said you should and shook his hand.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
I got a Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I got a job, its a part time job. Im the night costiodian fancy for janitor.
i'm making a difference. Make every IM count for the cause of your choice. Join Now.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
My Tropical Hibiscus Plant
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Here are some photo's of the house next door getting tore down. It was awesome to watch!!!
There was a squirrel living in the old house, it had its home under one of the gutters, a hole in the wood side let the squirrel in to the house. Well anyway, while the house was being tore down, on one of the loud crashing booms from the claw on the john deere wrecking machine. The squirrel came flying out from under the gutter ha ha he landed on the ground and bolted towards the boss of the crew who was tearing down the hose ha ha. The boss was standing near the home and the squirrel bee lined for him jumped up on his chest then high tailed it out of there, it was funny to see. The guy i was standing next too while I was taking the pictures said to the boss you did not give him a eviction notice that's why the squirrel was mad ha ha .
I hope you like the photo's
Friday, March 02, 2007
Ash Wednesday
here are some photo's of my mom on Ash Wednesday, I took these photo's of mom with my new cheepie 35 mm camera ha ha but at least I can post some pics now. I cant wait until I get a new computer coming over to the library is getting old. I hope you enjoy the photos of my mom. She just turned 78 on the 17 of February. She got 20 dollars from her other son and he also baked a cake for her. Ned put "HAPPY B-DAY 78" on the cake. I read two poems to mom as my birthday present to her they were two poems by G.K.Chesterton
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