Tomarrow heading to mass afterwards going to pick up a pizza I ordered from the church youth group. So im planing on haveing Pizza while the Bears play the Panthers tomarrow. Mrs.Boyd called today but I was out back rideing my bike around. I realy miss the home we used to live in. Earlier today I called Kyle and talked to him about my truck getting fixed. Kyly is going to pick it up this Monday at noon. I have been without a ride for over a year, its been real rough not haveing a vehecial that runs. So I thank GOD its finaly getting fixed. Kyle stopped by out of the blue last Sunday after mass and offered to buy my truck for 200 dollars or fix it for 350 dollars. So hopeing this was a answered prayer for my truck to be fixed. I called him up and aksed if he would still be willing to fix it and he said yes. So my truck is headed to Mt.Clair this monday, mom wont be able to pay him the 350 dollars until Febuary so thats when I should have my truck back!! Thank you Jesus!!

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