Ahoy! all Lord of the Rings fans!! I cant get enough of J.R.R.Tolkien did you know that he was Catholic? Yep! Here is a picture I made that is in the spirit of Tolkien and the Rings. Tomarrow after mass im going to Walmart to return the Lord of the Rings "fellowship of the rings" It does not work right comes to a complete stop while playing right around the scene where they are lighting off the fireworks for Bilbo's farewell party. The wizard Gandalf and Bilbo enjoy some weed before the party:) its kinda funny. If I remember right Bilbo says its the finest weed in all the land. We here no objections from Gandalf the Wizard so we asume its true ha ha. Latter they are blowing smoke rings in the air and Gandalf the Grey makes a smoke ring look like huge Pirate ship and it sales through one of Bilbo's smoke rings:) Im sure hopen its tobaco he is smokeing cause dope is bad for you and against the law, well here in the Uinted States of America it is against the law. Plus I have heared the pope say that is "John Paul ll" when he was still alive that Weed is from the dark side or something to that effect you know illeagule drugs are not what GOD wants you to do. I belive it is very true, something like climbing over the wall or gate instead of being lead by our lord and Master through the open gate which he has opened for us who are belivers. Plus my dad always spoke against using illeagule drugs.
Oh last night watched a old Western on Pastor Larry Rices tv Station, called The Big Show starring Gene Autry. The movie was very good and entertaining. Gene Autry plays two parts in this film or I think he does, you see Pastor Larry Rices TV station does not come n very well so its very snowey and lines going across the screen. But anyway im perty sure plays two parts, Autry places this actor who last name is Ford and he also plays Ford's stunt double in the movie. Well the actor Ford goes on vacation and tells nobody where he is going. Well Ford is needed down in Texas for some sort of shing ding where they need him to be there. So Ford's Director talks Gene into pretenting to be The actor Ford since they look so much alike:) From there it gets funny cause the real actor Ford not Autry is in debt to these Loan sharks or Gambling debts and they have been looking for Ford. Well they hear on the radio that Ford is in Texas so they head there. Now Autry is totaly taken by suprise when they show up and demand 10,000 dollars from him for a gambling debt. Autry is supposed to keep it a secret that he is pretending to be Ford, the public loves him cause he can sing. Well Autry tells the thugs that he is not Ford but they dont belive him cause he looks just like Ford and is supposed to be the actor Ford. Well in comes the director of the Texas shing ding while Gene is trying to explain to the gambling thugs that he is not the actor Ford but just filling in for him. Well the director tells the thugs that Mr.Ford is infact right there in the room with them, which makes Gene Autry mad. Gene says to the director to pay these three men 10,000 because thats what the real Actor Ford owes them. So then the director says that Ford is not actor Ford but Gene Autry instead just filling in for Ford . Well the thugs dont belive it and there is a big fight scene between Gene Autry and the gambling thugs, guess who wins? Gene Autry does the good guy always wins in the old westerns. Besides being in Debt for gambling the real actor Ford has a fiance or girlfriend which Gene Autry does haven't clue about and is in love with this lady from the Texas shing ding. So the actor Ford's girlfriend shows up and Autry is supposed to be in love with her but realy loves the Texas shing ding girl. Then the Three gambling thugs steal 25,000 dollars from the director and there is a big chase scene. Well Gene Aurty captures them but the 25,000 dollars is in a muddy old pond and the director jumps in a gets the money!! Gene Autry gets the Texas shing ding Chick. Way to go Autry!