Well I survied a very very scary ordeal about a week ago. The bird feeder and rain gauge that are located in the front yard were tore down. My mom was so sad the next morning when she saw the bird feeder and all the seed laying on the ground. Im going to add more latter to this but got to go now. Chow baby.
Last night got woken up three times during night by somebody being outside our home. The first time was 11:45am heard people talking. 1:45 am dog barking inside the house and looking towards front door, did not here anything but a thump sounded like out by my truck and trailer.. 3:45 am woke up somebody walking through or near front yard heared noise like something falling i guess. Well anyway checked on bird feeder it was ok, but beer can in front yard real close to house!! Just a few minuests ago saw police car drive up to next door neighbors house. The police man got out of his car and was carrying a peice of paper to give to them I guess. Just before he got there a car left that house a black sports car like late 80's or early 90's trans am or camero, it belongs to the one who left the beer can in our yard last night in my opinioun. So I have been pryaing and reading Bible, the noon whistle just went off its loud. Its a loud siren that goes off every day at noon I think even Sundays, Lets everybody know its lunch time I guess.
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