Today is December 6-05
So far today I have been mostly on my computer sending out prayer request to varies ministries on the web. I got up around 6:45 am but was realy awake at 5:00am but laid on the couch until Jazz finally just had to go outside. Jazz cant stand to be in when it starts to get daylight outside he wants out:) Yesterday he was jumping on me trying to get me up to put him out, I just laid there and laughed he kept nudgeing me with his cold nose to get up!! it was funny. Yesterday while he was outside a bunch of Starling birds landed on the deck and was chowing down on Jazz's Kibbles and bits dog food. To tell you the truth I did not know that Starling birds ate dog food ha ha. All of a suddend Jazzed spotted them and came running up the stairs and ran/slid across the deck scaring those birds away, it was funny to see. I tried to get it on video but the birds only did once more then flew off. Back today, I took a picture of a woodpecker sitting on mom's birdfeeder Can you see him or her? Oh I just remembered I have not heared back from Trish on the ride to church, but I have a ride a friend named Jim is going to give me a ride this Sunday, Grooovy Man!! He is alot older but a real nice guy his brother is in a nursing home. Well best be going! Enjoy the bird photo's. Chow BABY
4:00 pm today I got a call from "Del" thats Trish dad I told him I had a ride to church. Its almost 5:PM now. I just got done giving my mom her Tylenol Arthritis formula she takes one a day for her arthritis. Tomarrow is Movie day !!! I have been struglin on what to call my web blog if you a idea please let me know, Thanks.
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