Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Judge Samuel Alito Needs your prayers

I hope Judge Samuel Alito is Confirmed to the Supreme Court!! I have been praying that our Supreme court would get some GOD fearing Judges on the bench!!! Ones who will interpret the law, not legislate from the bench!!! I hope he overturns Roe vs. Wade at the first chance. This country is heading down the wrong path when it alows the murder of baby's by their mother and her doctor. How can Ted Kennedy and the rest of the Abortion rights supporters sleep at night. Dont they have a conscience, I wish they could hear the aborted babys screaming in their ears at night when they try to sleep, that they have allowed to be murderd in the name of Law, Privacy of a women to kill her own Child. They always say they are looking out for the little guy yeah right!!

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